4 比卢普斯 (Billups ) 后卫 5 杜兰特 (Durant Kevin ) 前锋 6 罗斯 (Derrick Rose ) 后卫 7 威斯布鲁克 (Russell Westbrook ) 后卫 8 鲁迪-盖伊 (Gay Rudy ) 前锋 9 伊戈达拉 (Andre...
Kevin Durant 凯文·杜兰特 ; 杜兰特 ; 凯文 ; 凯文杜兰特
SF - Kevin Durant 奥克拉荷马雷霆
Kevin Durant Shoes 最痛苦的事
NBA Thunder Kevin Durant XL 球迷版雷霆杜兰特客场球衣
The Thunder reached the Western Conference finals last season behind league scoring champion Kevin Durant, while the Magic face the uncertainty of Dwight Howard's future with the team.
Oklahoma City forward Kevin Durant is favored to win MVP this season.
Right. So, LeBron James is a jerk and Kevin Durant is everything that's right with sports, and the world.