digital television standard 数字电视标准 dvb digital television standard 数字电视标准 euroopean television standard 欧洲电视标准 .
DVB is the digital HDTV standard that developed by more than 170 organizations in Europe. It mainly comprises satellite (DVB-S), terrestrial (DVB-T) and cable (DVB-C) digital television systems.
数字视频广播(DVB)是欧洲170多个组织共同开发出的数字高清晰度电视标准,它主要由卫星广播(DVB - S)、地面广播(DVB - T)和有线电视(DVB - C)三部分组成。
Nowadays, the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard has been considered the globalism solution scheme of digital television and relative multimedia service.
RS(204,188)are capable of eight random error correcting which is applicable in DVB standard digital television channel error correction.