dye solution 染液 ; 染色液
organic dye solution laser 有机螫合物液体激光器 ; 有机染料溶液激光器
reversible bleachable dye solution 可逆漂白染料液
dilute dye solution 稀染料溶液
reactive dye solution 活性染料溶液
dye solution concentration 染料浓度
degradation of dye solution 光催化降解性能 ; 染料废水
xTriTrac Loading Dye Solution 缓冲液
Aqueous dye solution 染料水溶液
Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour fabric, thus making it the world's first synthetic dye.
Perkin 很快意识到他的紫色溶液可以用来给布料上色,从而使其成为世界上第一种合成染料。
The viscosity and thermooptic characteristics of the laser dye solution which effect lasers output stability and linewidth are discussed.
The regeneration of the activated carbon adsorbed and saturated by cationic indigo dye solution was studied.