...ame with complete information),具有完全信 息的动态博弈简称为完全信息动态博弈(dynamic game with complete information)。 策略(strategies): 策略是参与者如何对其他参与者的行动作出反应的行动 规则,它规定参与者在什么时候该选择什么行动。
Phenomenon of "opportunistic bid" is analyzed by applying "dynamic game with complete information" theory and a game model for claims under opportunistic bid is developed.
Through analyzing the choice and behave of both parts of the game(contractor and owner) with "dynamic game with complete information"theory, the Nash equilibrium solution of the model is attained.
基于工程索赔的时效性、客观性和动态性等特征,建立其博弈模型; 利用完全信息动态博弈理论在不同条件分析博弈双方(承包商和业主)的选择和行为,得出纳什均衡解。
This paper first analyzes the behavior of the controlling and non-controlling shareholders by static and dynamic game with the complete and incomplete information.