dredge e boat 挖泥船
paddle e boat 脚踏明游艇 ; 明轮船
Sauce e boat 汁盅 ; 调味汁碟
e boat 德国快速鱼雷艇
life e boat 救生艇
stone e boat 石舫
stake e boat 航标艇
rescue e boat 救护船
advice e boat 传递消息之快艇
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in World War II) a fast German boat carrying guns and torpedoes (二战中德国的)快速鱼雷艇
My unc|e iS a fisherman . He W0rks( in )a boat.
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How well Sam knew the magic cry. "St-e-am-boat a-comin" that woke his sleepy little home town of Hannibal Missouri.