...: 电子商务 C2C交易市场 电子服务质量 评价 实证研究 [gap=1086]Key words】:e-commerce; C2C market; e-service quality; evaluation; empirical study ...
所谓e-服务质量(e-Service Quality)是指基于互联网商务环境下消费者所感知的服务质量。对消费者而言,由于服务是无形的、易变的和不可保存的,对服务的质量做出评价...
(二)网站服务品质 Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Malhotra(2000)首先提出网站服务品质(E-Service Quality, e-SQ), 定义网站服务品质可被视为网站促进有效率、 有效益的购物与产品 或服务传递的程度, 并在 2002...
...著网际网路应用的普及,传统服务品质的构面已经不符合电子商务架构下的产业 需求,因此,有关网路服务品质(E-Service Quality)的衡量也开始受到重视。
To improve the E-service quality, it is the key to narrow the gap between supply and demand in services. We can find and measure the gap with PZB's gap analytic model.
提高电子服务品质的关键问题是缩小服务的提供与需求之间的差距,这个差距被PZ B称为缺口。
The results show that trust, ease of use, responsiveness and reliability are determinants of e-service quality, and among them trust has the most important affection one-service quality.
实证检验结果表明:信任、易用性、反应性和可靠性是e 服务质量的决定因素。
Network providers do not guarantee a certain quality of service, but merely promise to do their best. That may not matter for personal e-mails, but it does for time-sensitive data such as video.