Early Weaning 早期断奶
Medicated Early Weaning 早期断奶 ; 加药早期断奶 ; 药物早期断奶
Segregated Early Weaning 隔离断奶技术 ; 早期隔离断奶技术 ; 断奶 ; 隔离式断奶
ultra-early weaning 超早期断奶
early weaning syndrome 猪断奶综合症
early weaning pig 早期断奶
over-early weaning 超早期断奶
early weaning calf 犊牛早期断奶
early weaning pigs 断奶仔猪
84 three-way crossbred (Duroc×(Landrace×Yorkshire)), early-weaning piglets (initial BW=3.4kg) were used to evaluate the effects of different dietary crude protein (CP) levels (16,18,19,20,21,22 and 24%) on performance and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) concentration.
参考来源 - 3.4~9.5kg超早期断奶仔猪粗蛋白质需求参数研究 Study on the Crude Protein Requirement of 3.4~9.5 kg Early·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Early-weaning piglets are easy to be affected by physiology, nutrition and environment, which resulted in stress and abnormal growth, in which, nutrition is the most important factor.
Piglet diarrhea is a severe disease caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli) in pig farms, (especially) after piglet early weaning technique has been applied.
We have always had a challenge to maintain pre-weaning growth rates in the early post-weaning period and this challenge is now even greater.