...14 级4 班 陈洋 P7 漫想四季(Wonders seasons) 又是一年春来到 初2014 级1 班舒子芯 P9 人生初体验 ( Early life experience ) 技糕点人生 初2013 级4 班韩佳怡 P 11 随记两篇 恋•旧时光 初2014 级15 班谭泱 P12 爱的声音 初2014级10班 刘甜 P13 古诗中英...
Can you talk about your early life experience?
Early life experience and writings of Zhang Ailing showed the theory of psychoanalysis clearly.
Marina : I don’t believe that any single, early life experience with dolls is responsible for my intense interest in making them.
马瑞娜: 我没觉得有哪一件特别的事情让我对制作娃娃有了这么强烈的兴趣。