Easy-Breathe technology 使用了轻松呼吸技术
BREATHE EASY 呼吸通畅 ; 自由喘息 ; 放松呼吸 ; 安心
Easy-Breathe Technolog 轻松呼吸技术
Coz i can't breathe easy 因为我难以呼吸
Aroma Breathe Easy Essence 呼吸舒畅精油
To breathe easy for awhile 放松一些
Breathe Easy Massage Oil 呼吸护理油
It's hard to argue with Jobs' vision of a Utopian paradise where users and developers can breathe easy.
More severe cases may be treated with a CPAP machine, so named because they maintain constant positive air pressure to the wind pipe to help users breathe easy at night.
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's cats and dogs can breathe easy; in the event of an Iraqi biological or chemical weapons attack on the Jewish state they will be protected by pet-friendly gas masks.