But I guess it’s been too long 但偶觉得时间已过得太久了 Easy to move on 走下去应该很容易 To forget to about it all 或许您已全部忘记 ..
But I guess it's been too long 但是我猜需要很长的时间 Easy to move on 改变 To forget to about it all 忘掉一切 ..
... But I guess it's been too long 但我猜想那已太久 Easy to move on 轻松前行 To forget to about it all 忘记一切 ...
But if you start with 10 lb. weights, your workouts will be easy to do and your successes will motivate you to move on to bigger challenges.
These are not names that Plato gives, but it will make it easy for us to get a fix, roughly, on the different arguments as we move from one to the next.
For example, it was quite easy to make your wall-following robot move parallel to the wall on its left.