萨伊伊波拉(Ebola-Zaire)的肆虐 一九七六年九月,也就是苏 丹伊波拉爆发后隔两个月,有一种更为致命的丝状病毒,出现在 萨伊,这个离苏丹一百哩处的热带雨林.
Ebola Zaire 伊波拉萨伊 ; 拉病毒
Ebola Zaire Virus 伊波拉病毒 ; 生的伊波拉病毒 ; 埃博拉病毒
Zaire Ebola virus 扎伊尔埃博拉病毒
zaire strain of ebola virus 埃博拉簿扎伊尔株
Two strains of the disease, with almost identical symptoms, affected humans—Ebola-Zaire and Ebola-Sudan.
From October 2001 to December 2003, several Ebola outbreaks of the Zaire subtype were reported in Gabon and the Republic of the Congo with a total of 302 cases and 254 deaths.
The Ebola virus, first found in Zaire and the Sudan in 1976, causes massive hemorrhaging in human body, which throws the victim into shock and is usually fatal.