基于对欧元区的服务企业,制造商,建筑商和消费者的调查,欧盟委员会的“经济景气指数”(economic-sentiment index)在4月上升至10年来最高水平。欧盟经济活跃的原因是,相比美国,它的经济复苏处于更为初期的阶段。
economic sentiment index 经济信心指数 ; 经济景气指数
An economic-sentiment index published this week by ZEW, a think-tank, was buoyant, but expectations for six months 'time are sagging.
德国欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)本周公布的经济景气指数(economic - sentiment index)趋于上升,不过对未来六个月的期望值表示下降。
In the U.S., consumer confidence fell to its lowest level in 16 months, while the European Union's index of economic sentiment saw a sixth consecutive decline.
Market sentiment has improved recently on expectations of an economic recovery and increased stock purchases by public funds, helping the benchmark index top the psychologically important line.