Economic & Social History 经济及社会史 ; 经济及社会历史 ; 社会史 ; 社会经济历史
Economic & Social History Review 社会史评论
Economic and social history 经济史和社会史 ; 经济和社会史 ; 经济社会史 ; 社会史
social economic history [经] 社会经济史
Economic History and Social History 经济史与社会史
BA Economic and Social History 经济与社会历史
Economic and Social History MRes 经济及社会史研究硕士
Britain Economic and Social History 英国经济与社会史
Maitland observed that legal documents are the best—indeed, often the only—available evidence about the economic and social history of a given period.
However, differences in each country's social history, economic and legal conditions decide that each country will take a different way and model in this system transition.
Social capital reproduction theory of Karl Marx and western economic growth theory have relations in history, but are essentially different.