美国波士顿大学经济系苗建军教授将于 2009年7月22日 -31日在中国经济与管理研究院讲授《动态经济学》(Economic Dynamics) 课程,请中国经济 ..
Structural Economic Dynamics 结构动态经济学
Optimal Control and Economic Dynamics 最优控制与动态经济学
The Theory of Economic Dynamics 经济动态理论
Nonlinear Economic Dynamics 非线性经济动力学
An Introduction to Economic Dynamics 动态经济学导论
the economic dynamics 行业的经济动力机制
Review of Economic Dynamics 动态经济学评论
economic dynamics of population 人口经济动力学
But economic dynamics, as they play out in national markets, can be even more complicated.
Although this may not affect the short-term economic dynamics, it constitutes a risk over the longer term.
This version stresses broad economic dynamics, placing less emphasis on Wall Street villainy and deregulation than the main report does.