... 经济调控:economic regulating 经济部门;经济成分:economic sector 经济表现;经济实绩:economic performance ...
这个例子清楚地指出国境管理的形式会伴随移入国特定经济部门(economic sector)的荣枯,而 在相当程度上左右无证移工入境的意愿和成本。囿于篇幅的限制,本文著重分析国境管理与跨境 迁移的关系,对于特定经济部门...
To paraphrase President Bush, we must restore confidence in our economic sector.
China's private economic sector has huge potentiality.
It is in China's most fundamental and important economic sector, that is, agriculture.
"When you have a situation like this occur, you are bound to have a situation down the line where there could be a shortage in food, which can also trigger other negative situations, such as malnutrition, for example, or insufficient food for cattle, which is also another important economic sector in West Africa,".
VOA: standard.2009.09.08
from the nation's beleaguered banking sector that outshone another dose of discouraging numbers on employment,business inventories, and other economic indicators.
VOA: standard.2009.03.15
The U.S.service sector is closely-watched, as it accounts for roughly 80 percent of U.S.economic output.
VOA: standard.2009.08.05