建筑给排水节水节能新技术(张怡) - 水利科技资讯 - 水资讯网 关键词:建筑给排水 节水 节能 [gap=779]Key words: Building water supply and wastewater, economize water, economize energy
Economize Water Resource 浪费水资源
Economize water use 节约用水利用水源
economize water technique 节水技术
economize water irrigation 节水灌溉
economize water consciousness 节水意识
high-effect economize water 高效节水
economize water technique mode 节水技术模式
Economize on water 节约用水
economize of water 节水措施
This paper may suggest related governments to construct the infrastructures to economize water resource and improve the environment in the Aksu Drainage Basin.
Besides out of plant treatment, using some new techniques that can economize water and reduce pollution is essential measures that were introduced simply in this paper.
In order to advance the working productivity ground productivity economize cost economize water make the completely mechanical production of rice, the ideal technology is rice direct-sowing.