ectopic pregnancy [妇产] 异位妊娠 ; 宫外孕 ; 输卵管妊娠 ; 在异位妊娠
persistent ectopic pregnancy 持续性异位妊娠 ; 持续性输卵管妊娠 ; 的持续性异位妊娠 ; 妊娠
Repeat ectopic pregnancy 重复异位妊娠
early ectopic pregnancy 早期宫外孕 ; 早期异位妊娠
ectopic pregnancy EP 异位妊娠
Tubal ectopic pregnancy 输卵管异位妊娠 ; 输卵管妊娠 ; 其中以输卵管妊娠
Unruptuerd ectopic pregnancy 未破裂型宫外孕
recurrent ectopic pregnancy 重复性异位妊娠 ; 重复异位妊娠
Old ectopic pregnancy 陈旧性宫外孕
Statistics show a 30% increased risk of ectopic pregnancy after one abortion and a 160% increased risk of ectopic pregnancy after two or more abortions.
After suffering years of infertility we finally conceived, only to later discover that it was an ectopic pregnancy and I would need emergency surgery.
If not discovered soon enough, an ectopic pregnancy ruptures, and you can bleed to death if you do not have emergency surgery.