In the first query, you see a list naming all the people who have made the statement that my name is "Edd Dumbill."
在第一个查询中,您可以看到声明我的名字是“Edd Dumbill”的所有人的列表。
Put simply, the description in Listing 1 says "there is a person whose name is Edd Dumbill and whose e-mail address is"
简单地说, 清单 1中的描述表明“有一个名叫 Edd Dumbill 的人,他的电子邮件地址为。”
If I claim my name is "Edd Dumbill," and that claim is attributed to me, it might prove a more trustworthy fact than if somebody else asserted it.
如果我声明我的名字是“Edd Dumbill”,由此该声明的起源被认为是我,那么它可以证明的事实比其他人所宣称的更可信。