tool major cutting edge plane 主切削平面
tool minor cutting edge plane 副切削平面
edge-plane pyrolytic graphite 在裂解石墨棱面 ; 热解石墨电极
Edge trimming plane 修边刨 ; [木] 修缘刨
working cutting edge plane [机] 工作切削面
cutting edge normal plane [机] 主切刃法截面
Edge and Plane 棱边及墙平面 ; 边及墙平面
The plane rolled left and then rolled right. Then he caught an edge of his wing on the ground.
The electrochemical characteristics of carbon atoms on the edge and basal plane were determined by analyzing structure of graphite crystal and bond of different carbon atoms.
With OSPF Graceful Restart enabled on an edge device and its peer, the data plane can continue to process and forwarding packets even if the control plane fails.
在网络边缘路由器和其邻居路由器都支持OS PF平稳重启情况下,即使控制平面失效,数据平面也能够继续处理和转发报文。