实际的 联邦基金利率 ( Effective Federal Funds Rate ), 美联储统计资料, 2005年9月 2. 信贷成本7.10% 减去资金成本 3.49% 等于 3.61% 3.
...率 ,就每一个计息日而言,除非双方就此另行书面约定,否则针对美元,是指美元有效联邦基金利率(Effective Federal Funds Rate);针对欧元,为欧元隔夜平均指数(EONIA);针对英镑,为英镑隔夜平均指数(SONIA);针对人民币,为中国人民银行公布的超额准备...
Federal funds effective rate 联邦基金有效利率 ; 联邦基金利率
Today, it isn't: the effective federal funds rate (as opposed to the official target, which for technical reasons has become meaningless) has averaged less than 0.3 percent in recent days.
Since October 29th, the target for the federal funds rate has been at 1%, but the rate at which funds actually change hands,known as the “effective rate”, has averaged around 0.25% (seechart).
Since Oct.29th, the target for the federal funds rate has been a 1%, but the rate at which funds actually change hands, known as the “effective rate”, has averaged around 0.25%(see chart).