...主要 要性 性能 能指 指标 标 Te—有效转矩(Effective Torque),发动机通过飞轮对外输出的转矩, Pe—有效功率(Effective Power),发动机通过飞轮对外输出的功率, g e —燃油消耗率(Specific Fuel Consumption) : 发动机发出1Kw 有效功率,1h 内所消耗的燃油...
... effective power 有效功率 effective power 有效功率拖曳功率 effective precipitation 有效降水量 ...
lowest effective power [电] 最低有效功率
unit effective power 机组有效功率
effective power flux density 有效功率流密度
mean effective power 平均有效功率 ; 均方根功率
Effective power consumption 高能量效率 ; 有效电量
airscrew effective power 螺旋桨有效功率
effective power meter 有功功率计
effective power factor 有效功率因数
Result The effective power in treatment group can be enhanced obviously.
The power divider for ensuring two AO Q-switch synchronization and effective power driving is designed.
Effective power engine the smooth start to accelerate dynamic and excellent low-temperature start motorcyclists and English.
"we would be forced to buy power that we don't need and idle existing generation or have hydro that is very cost effective -- very cheap,actually -- being replaced by very expensive power."
VOA: standard.2010.03.23
A statement issued by the Vatican after the meeting said he prayed with the men and assured them the Church will continue doing all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future.
VOA: standard.2010.04.18