eight ball 争黑八打法 ; 球形全向传声器 ; 球形全向性麦克风
eight-ball 是“老实人 ; 号球
Behind the Eight-ball 受到挫折 ; 遭到波折 ; 不顺心
behind the eight ball 处于困境中 ; 凶多吉少 ; 凶多吉 ; 处境危险
Chinese Eight ball 中式八球
Tech Magic Eight Ball 高科技的神奇8球
Magic Eight Ball 魔术八球
Magical Eight ball 魔术八球
The main method simply enables you to invoke the Eight Ball from a command line; you will not use it from your web services clients.
main 方法只是使您能够从命令行调用 Eight Ball;您将不在自己的 Web 服务客户机上使用它。
The sample application emulates an American toy called the Magic Eight Ball.
该样本应用程序模仿一种名为 Magic Eight Ball 的美国玩具。
You can work out, you can do all the shots and skill work, and you're still behind the eight-ball because there's no playing.