... Thirty-Six Strategies 三十六计 eight thirty-six 八点三十六分 Thirty-Six Stratages 三十六计 ...
There is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time.
However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee: there are approximately thirty to sixty mg. of caffeine in six - eight ounces of tea, compared to over one-hundred mg. in eight ounces of coffee.
不过绿茶中的咖啡因含量比咖啡少得多:6 ~ 8盎司茶叶中大约含有30 ~ 60 mg的咖啡因,而8盎司的咖啡中含有超过100 mg咖啡因。
LL: Well, here's the deal: I've got class until six thirty tomorrow, and the concert is at eight.
哼,你明天6点半才下课:,而演唱会8点就开始。 对,要你去接我们恐怕是来不及。