...现一处2012年出土、名为“Shubayqa 1”遗址内的石制火坑中,有24份明显残余;检验后发现,这些残余是由大麦、单粒小麦(einkorn),及燕麦等野生谷类,研磨、过筛和混合制作出来的“面包”。
Einkorn wheat 一粒小麦
Einkorn extract 单粒小麦提取物
einkorn n 单粒小麦
wild einkorn 野生一粒小麦
einkorn group 一粒小麦类群
einkorn series 一粒小麦系
N a variety of wheat, Triticum monococcum, of Greece and SW Asia, having pale red kernels, and cultivated in hilly regions as grain for horses 一粒小麦
Then, about 7000 B.C., within the space of a few generations, they switched abruptly to herding domesticated goats and sheep and to growing einkorn, pulses, and other cereal grasses.
These are tetraploids. and there is the einkorn, which is a diploid.
Einkorn wheat is the donor species of polyploidy wheat. It is one of the important basic species of Triticum.