elastic deformation limit 弹性变形极限 elastic plastic deformation 弹塑性变形; 弹塑性畸变; 弹塑性形变 ..
Objective: the aim of this study was to investigate the elastic deformation limit and relevant enclasp force of cobalt-chromium alloy cast clasps.
When this separation strains the cable material beyond its elastic limit, instability or birdcaging occurs in the form of the permanent deformation.
当内外股分离给缆线材料所造成的压力操作了弹性极限后, 易位或者不稳定的情况就会产生,进而造成永久的变形。
Tiny deformation will appear in the local of the propeller shaft of certain ship which is endured an invariableness load, although the shaft stress is within the elastic limit range.