对罗姆尼而言,奥巴马做出了救助汽车行业的决定但他自己却是持反对态度,这证明他还面对着来自选举团(Electoral College)的挑战。而且,一些州也确实感觉到了经济改善而带来的益处。
进一步评估全美人口最多前6大州、也是大选时选举人团(Electoral College)数目最多的前6州:加州(选举人团55代表)、德州(34)、纽约(31)、佛罗里达(27)、伊利诺(21)、宾州(21),这次都改选州长...
) (Med) 美国选举人团 美国选举人团 = Electoral College (u.E.) (Geo) 美国运通 美国运通 = American Express (u.E.
the Electoral College 选举团 ; 选举人团
Electoral College System 选举团制度 ; 选举人团制度
US Electoral College 选举人团制度
united states electoral college 选举人团 ; 美国选举人团
以上来源于: WordNet
N-SING The electoral college is the system that is used in the United States in presidential elections. The electors in the electoral college act as representatives for each state, and they elect the president and vice president. (美国各州选出总统和副总统的大选)选举团 [美国英语] ['the' N]
The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College.
Each state has as many votes in the Electoral College as it has members in Congress.