electric stove 电灶 ; 电烤箱 ; 电炉子
laboratory electric stove 实验室电炉
leaning electric stove 倾动式电炉
electric stove of zinc melting 镕锌电容炉
gas or electric stove 燃气炉或电炉
In Yiyang, meanwhile, multiday blackouts have ruined a tiny restaurant run by Xu Zhanyun, 48, who now must cook meals over lumps of coal instead of his electric stove.
I had a dog—at least I had him for a few days until he ran away—and an oldDodge and a Finnish woman, who made my bed and cooked breakfast and mutteredFinnish wisdom to herself over the electric stove.
Only a few centimeters in diameter and invisible to the naked eye, the Avenger's laser is 20 times hotter than an electric stove top and will cut through artillery shells with ease.