旁路(去耦)。普通无极性电容的标称耐压值有、220V,价格比较高、电容的分类和作用 电容(Electric capacity):作用是阻止直流通过而让交流通过:作用是阻止直流通过而让交流通过、400V,允许交流信号通过并传输到下一级电路、80V,无机固体...
electric capacity moisture meter 电容湿度计 ; 电容式水分测定表
electric capacity altimeter 电容测高计 ; 电容高度计
electric capacity type liquidometer 电容式液位计
High frequency electric capacity field 高频电容场钳
PlateMAX187type electric capacity sensor 平板式电容传感器
Table electric capacity 电气总容量
Secondary winding is connected in series a group every two poles, forming a close circuit without derivation, in order to weaken the influence of induced electromotive force itself, there is a parallel electric capacity in the circuit.
3. 副绕组(即非工作绕组)同样采用每对极为一组串联连接,通过电容组成闭合回路,用于削弱电枢反应脉振磁场的负序分量。
参考来源 - 电力变压器局放试验用单相同步发电机As one of many kinds of senors,the electric capacity senors have a lot of advantages,and it’s application is very extensive too. The article mainly introduces the work principle ,application and developing trend of the electic cacacity senors.
参考来源 - 电容式传感器的应用和发展·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Small, low impedance, the high pressure resistance electric capacity, mainly applies to the sound frequency dividing circuit.
It includes wiring of printed circuit board, electric capacity coupling, tolerance of digital circuit noise, and transmission line.
The practice indicates that the forecasting method has higher forecasting accuracy and can adapt to the load electric capacity characteristic in different areas.