记者采访他时,物价正午,他正和电焊工(Electric welder)就着咸菜吃着白米饭,老伴(Wife)的医生餐是馒头和一盒快到期的牛奶。多讲点笑话,以幽默的态度处事,这样子曰子会好过一点。
..._第6页-中国机械设备网—机... drilling machine,钻床 electric welder,电气焊机 gasoline chain saw,机械链锯 ...
automatic electric welder 自动电焊机
electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺
gas and electric welder 气焊工和电焊工
electric welding machine electric welder 电焊机
electric arc welder [机] 电弧焊机 ; 电焊机
electric arc welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺 ; 电
dc electric welder 直流电焊机
tig electric welder tig焊机
Monkey electric welder 猴子电焊工
The utility model relates to a change-over switch of AC-DC electric welder.
It finds better economic overhaul plan and try to make the electric welder repaired reach the original technical properties to meet the demand of pipe production process.
For the purpose of economizing on raw materials and reducing consumption, the detailed analysis and design of the regulating circuit of TIG electric welder have been presented in this article.