Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc 电接触与电弧 ; 电兵戈与电弧
electrical contact [电] 电触头 ; 电接触 ; [电] 电触点 ; 电气接触件
sintered electrical contact material 烧结电触头材料 ; 加热使黏结电触头质料
electrical contact controller 电开关控制器
electrical contact alloy 电气接点合金
electrical contact clock 电接触时钟
electrical contact detector 电路接触式检测器
Electrical Contact Materials 电触头材料 ; 电触头
Type of the Electrical contact 电接点触头容量
Before the electrical current puts into operation in a spark plug, the two points of contact have to be gapped.
All the electrodes are adapted to make electrical contact with the pipe.
Contact mark. Intermittent marks adjacent to the weld line resulting from the electrical contact between the electrodes supplying the welding current and the pipe surface.