这部计算机使用 真空管 ( electron tube )来处理讯号,所以体积宏大(占满一个房间)、耗电量高(使用时全镇的人都晓得,因为家家户户(every family)的电灯都变暗了!
... 内部装配有电子元件的表,一般分液晶显示数字式和石英指针式两种 [electron tube;valve] 用来利用和控制电子流的传导的电子器件,可起整流、放大、检波、振荡等作用 [electronic calculator] 一种简单、小型的电子计算设备,一般用来进行算术运算 ..
[electron tube;valve] 用来利用和控制电子流的传导的电子器件,可起整流、放大、检波、振荡等作用 [electronic calculator] 一种简单、小型的电子计算设备,一般用来进行算术运算 .
electron tube voltmeter 真空管电压表 ; 电子管伏特计
cesium electron tube 铯电子管
electron tube tester 电子管试验机
gas-filled electron tube 充气电子管
electron tube power amplifier 电子管功率放大器
electron tube instrument 电子管式测试仪表
electron tube socket 电子管插座
VET Vidicon Electron Tube 摄像机电子管 ; 光导摄像管
electron tube transducer 电子管式换能器
Along with the development of micro electron technology and craft , the digital IC gradually develops from the electron tube, the transistor, the small scale integration electric circuit, the VLSIC to ASIC .
参考来源 - 无线通信系统的FPGA设计和研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: tube vacuum tube thermionic vacuum tube thermionic tube thermionic valve
以上来源于: WordNet
N an electrical device, such as a valve, in which a flow of electrons between electrodes takes place 电子管 (Also called vacuum tubeSometimes shortened to tube)
The anode in an electron tube.
The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuits and so on.
An electron tube used to amplify or generate ultrahigh frequency by means of velocity modulation.