electrospark roughening 电火花拉毛
electrospark machining [机] 电火花加工 ; 放电加工机 ; [机] 电子放电加工
electrospark forming [机] 电爆炸成形
electrospark hardening 电火花硬化 ; 电火花淬火 ; 电火花加热硬化
Electrospark erosion 电火花烧蚀
electrospark wire-electrode cutting 电火花线切割
electrospark detector 电火花检测器
electrospark welding 电火花焊接
electrospark machining combinations 电火花加工组合机
The threshold comparative method in detecting electrospark discharging status is improved.
Electrode loss, which occurs during the electrospark moulding process can be automatically measured and compensated.
It presents a method how to make use of electrospark hardening and change the structure of die to prevent up run of scraps.