serve elegantly 举止优雅地招待
furnish elegantly 布置得高雅
Designed Weddings Elegantly 标签
Elegantly Appointed Colonial 典雅殖民地
elegantly or politely 有王室气派地
An elegantly phrased compliment 措词优雅的赞语
Uses Up Elegantly 用光考究
"the room was elegantly decorated"
"the members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do"
以上来源于: WordNet
He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie.
She writes elegantly and economically.
She turned on her elegantly shod heel.
A To make an A paper in my class, A to make an A on a paper, not only does the paper have to have the right answers and fulfill the assignment, it has to be written elegantly and excellently.
And then he answered it elegantly in a very small number of pages.