elegiac couplet 挽联 ; 挽歌对句
elegiac stanza 哀歌诗体
elegiac poems 挽歌诗
elegiac words 挽辞 ; 挽词
Elegiac Cycle 唱片名 ; 悲琴漫漫
elegiac form 挽歌形式
elegiac c 挽歌的
"an elegiac poem on a friend's death"
"an elegiac lament for youthful ideals"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is elegiac expresses or shows sadness. 哀伤的 [文学性]
The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.
The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.
"Spare us your elegiac tones," said the Parrot giggling.
Elegy: a poem composed in elegiac couplets.
As with the passage on the falling of the leaves there's a kind of elegiac tone that works to undo, or at least to challenge, our theological certainty.
The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.
This is the question now: is it properly elegiac?