embedded code stream 嵌入式码流
Embedded Code of Overflow 溢出植入代码
embedded interpreted code 式的直译码
Embedded Assembly Code 嵌入汇编代码
Embedded System Source Code 嵌入式系统源代码
keyboard embedded system source code 说明嵌入式键盘体系源码
Embedded Source Code 嵌入式源码
embedded machine code 嵌入式机器码
embedded assembler code 嵌入式汇编语言
These techniques are also independent of the language with which developers choose to write server-side or embedded code.
Using this technology, you can perform complex database queries without the use of any programmatic constructs or embedded code.
The user of your script will never know the difference, except that the first invocation of Inline-enabled code takes a little time to complete the compilation of the embedded code.