主题:避孕 | 医源世界 eption 米非司酮作为孕酮受体拮抗剂,已广泛用于抗早孕,其效果已为临床实践所证实,近10年来紧急避孕(emergency contraception,EC)方法不断深入研究,国内外有报道,已取得良好的避孕效果。本文研究小剂量米非司酮25mg在中国妇女中用于
主题:避孕 | 医源世界 eption 米非司酮作为孕酮受体拮抗剂,已广泛用于抗早孕,其效果已为临床实践所证实,近10年来紧急避孕(emergency contraception,EC)方法不断深入研究,国内外有报道,已取得良好的避孕效果。本文研究小剂量米非司酮25mg在中国妇女中用于
以上来源于: WordNet
It's possible to use standard estrogen-progestin birth control pills for emergency contraception, but check with your doctor for the proper dose and timing of the pills.
She and her colleagues have just completed a review of 11 medical studies that measured the effectiveness of advance provision of emergency contraception.
VOA: standard.2010.03.22
So she says(In other words) while emergency contraception is effective for individual women, advance provision can't be expected to make a different in the community.
VOA: standard.2010.03.22
"We found that easier access to emergency contraception did help women use the pills more quickly when it was needed, and they used it more often, but despite that increased use and faster use, it didn't reduce rates of unintended pregnancy."
VOA: standard.2010.03.22