4、雅漾天然防晒霜SPF30+ very hellogh protection sunscreen cream SPF 30+ 五、雅漾三重滋润霜 emollient cream 六、雅漾舒活补水面膜 instant soothellong moisture mask ..
ml Recovery Emollient Cream 谷萃修护舒润霜
Triple emollient cream 三重滋润霜
anti cercaria emollient cream 防蚴润肤霜
triple selective emollient cream 三重修护
Rich Emollient Cream Bases Unscented 深层滋润柔肤底霜
LU-MIEL Emollient Refiner Cream 绿迷雅胶原蛋白滋润细致霜
Objective To evaluate the protective effect and acute skin irritating reaction of anti cercaria emollient cream (ACEC) from infection of S.
Dissemination of the emollient cream aromatic honey, propolis contains peptides, honey, royal jelly, effective moist skin; pleasant aroma of lemon essential oil, bathed and exhilarating activities.