情绪的解析(Emotions Revealed) Paul Ekman 我们何时变得情绪化 一般情况下,情绪对我们的影响是正面的,它激励我们为生命中重要的事情而努力,为我们打来各种各样...
From his professorial perch at the University of Californiaat San Francisco, he's written more than a dozen books, including "Telling Lies" and "Emotions Revealed."
Our analysis revealed their inner work lives - the usually hidden perceptions, emotions and motivations that people experience as they react to and make sense of events in their workdays.
"We are working on non-verbal cues and the emotions are revealed through physical postures, gestures and movements of the body rather than facial or verbal expression," Dr Canamero added.
我们在研究非语言线索,感情都是通过通过肢体语言,手势和身体动作而不是面目表情或是语言所展现。Dr canamero补充道。