...东政策研究中心(Center for Middle East Policy)主任,贝内特和柯克帕特里克参与创办和领导了“授权美国”(Empower America),威廉·克里斯托尔和格森(Mark Gerson)是曼哈顿研究所的董事会成员,勒迪恩和伍尔西兼任战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strat...
He was a speechwriter for the late Jack Kemp, a much-admired moderate Republican, and for EmpowerAmerica, a group founded by Reagan administration cabinet members.
The DLC also points to other issue-flavored (c)(4)s--Empower America, the Log Cabin Republicans and the Republican Main Street Partnership--whose founders are identified with one party.
Two years later, Ryan went to work as a speechwriter and policy analyst for Jack Kemp, who led EmpowerAmerica, an organization then in the vanguard of making policy for supply-side conservatives who were pushing Republicans rightward in their views on taxes and the size of government.