第1章 欧元之成立及运作 第一节 何谓欧元 欧元(euro)是指欧洲经济暨货币联盟(Economic and Monetary Union, EMU )在一九九 九年一月 一日 正式运作的同时, 为因应欧洲货币单一制度所推出的货 币单位, 它的出现, ...
Emu Oil 鸸鹋油 ; 鸸苗鸟油 ; 鸵鸟油 ; 驼鸟油
Emu Hisadumi 久积绘梦
MM Emu Emu MM一族
Emu Bay 鸸鹋湾
The emu egg 鸸鹋蛋
emu-zone 模拟地带 ; 转至
Emu Loader 街机模拟器 ; 多功能游戏机模拟软件
Emu Point 鸸鹋角
Three experiments at present study were conducted to investigate the utilization/digestion and optimum concentration of fibers, crude protein (CP) and energy in growth emu dietary.
参考来源 - 生长鸸鹋饲料利用的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: electromagnetic unit
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT An emu is a large Australian bird that cannot fly. 鸸鹋
Nuclear DNA was successfully extracted from a 13,000-year-old emu eggshell and a giant moa eggshel.
细胞核 DNA 成功地从一只1.3万年前的鸸鹋蛋壳和一只巨大的恐鸟蛋壳中被提取出来了。
Emu is a large Australian flightless bird, similar to the ostrich but with three-toed feet and grey or brown plumage.
You can take C Intercity EMU or D EMU to travel from Shenzhen to Guangzhou with less time.
你可以乘坐 C 号城际动车组或 D 号动车组从深圳到广州,用时更短。