象棋入门初步 ... 兵的升变(promotion) 当某方的兵走到对方的底线(即最远离某方的一行)时,玩家可选择把该兵升级为车、马、象或-{后吃过路兵(en passant) 王车易位(castling) ...
Coup en Passant 将牌巧吃妙招
En passant target square 吃过路兵目标格
synapse en passant [解剖] 中途突触
en passant synapse 交通突触
Frederic Malle En Passant 紫丁香香水
同义词: in passing
以上来源于: WordNet
ADV in passing: in chess, said of capturing a pawn that has made an initial move of two squares to its fourth rank, bypassing the square where an enemy pawn on its own fifth rank could capture it. The capture is made as if the captured pawn had moved one square instead of two (国际象棋)吃过路兵地
He mentioned en passant that he was going away.
Tradition wants the walker, en passant in front of a cairn, to add a stone, his stone, to enrich the landmark.
There is a unique chess rule which involves a special move in chess that many casual players are not aware of, the rule is called "en passant".