参与Dubo者之间寻常没有什么特殊的关系,Dubo活动也不是经常性的,而是由于某种原因、暗示或者边缘人的 怂恿 ( Encouraged )而发生的。通常(Generally)是一哄而起,然后一哄而散。
...着肩膀,高高举起各自的奖杯,脸上洋溢着无尽的喜悦,俨然依旧是一个战壕里的战友,在共同庆祝(Celebrate),相互勉励(Encouraged)。不过新赛季中,他们就要各为其主(Their own master),兵戎相见了。
谈鼓励性语言在语文教学中的应用 高秀蕴 关键词】语文教学;鼓励;语言;培养和训练Encouraged to talk about language in language teaching [gap=400]Key words】language teaching; encouraged; language; training and tr...
Encouraged to go 踏踏实实
Friendship Encouraged Me 友谊激励着我
Be encouraged to do sth 被鼓励去做某事
You Encouraged Me 你鼓励了我 ; 是你鼓励了我 ; 您鼓励我
Encouraged by the 鼓舞 ; 受鼓舞的
encouraged sets 鼓励指标集
be encouraged by 被鼓励
Encouraged by friends 朋友的鼓舞下 ; 朋友感到鼓舞 ; 在朋友的鼓励
V-T If you encourage someone, you give them confidence, for example by letting them know that what they are doing is good and telling them that they should continue to do it. 鼓励
When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.
V-T If someone is encouraged by something that happens, it gives them hope or confidence. 鼓舞 [usu passive]
Investors were encouraged by the news.
encouraged ADJ 受到鼓舞的 [v-link ADJ]
We were very encouraged after over 17,000 pictures were submitted.
V-T If you encourage someone to do something, you try to persuade them to do it, for example, by telling them that it would be a pleasant thing to do, or by trying to make it easier for them to do it. You can also encourage an activity. 激励
Herbie Hancock was encouraged by his family to learn music at a young age.
V-T If something encourages a particular activity or state, it causes it to happen or increase. 促使.
...a natural substance that encourages cell growth.