... 末次控制元件输入 input of final control element 末端器 end-effector 末端执行器 end-effector ...
end effector 末端执行器 ; 末端效应器 ; 末端受动器 ; 末端效应
Ultra Low Contact Area End-Effector 超小面积接触的机器手臂的终端操作器
Automatic end effector systems 末端执行器自动交换系统
robot end effector 机器人手爪
robot end-effector 机器人末端操作器
end effector of robot 机器人末端臂
LEE Latching End Effector 闩锁端操纵装置
The traditional motion animation algorithm does not usually relate to the motion path and the motion velocity of the end-effector of a joints chain.
参考来源 - 虚拟人运动控制技术的研究与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
One of the major fact ors affecting the pose accuracy of robot end-effector is the deflection of robot links.
A mobile harvesting robot consists of manipulator, end-effector, mobile wheels, machine vision and control system and so on.
The main frame is frequently denoted as the arm, and the most distal group of joints affecting the motion of the end-effector is referred to collectively as the wrist.