...后他获得了广播专业的学位,并进入“演员表演研修所”,在这里他获得了一个角色,出演百老汇剧《一个人的结束》(End as a Man)。 帕特的表演生涯长达六十年,涉足舞台剧、电影和电视各个领域,他是影视界的客串明星。
A newshound may start out just to get a good story, but it is not impossible, all the same, for him to end as a man.
If we look forward to the end of the term, we'll read The Human Stain, which is about a man, Coleman Silk, who tries to and succeeds in passing as Jewish.
如果我们期待一下期末,我们将会读到《人性的污点》,写一个叫 Coleman Silk 的男人努力并成功地假装成犹太人。
A 111-year-old Japanese engineer born at the end of the century before last was awarded official recognition Monday as the world's newest oldest man, and joked he was sorry for still being alive.