...他们区别在于厚度不一样cr2025:C-以锂金属为负极,以二氧化锰为正极的化学电池体系,R-表示电池的形状为圆柱形,如果是方形则F替代,20代表此款电池的直径是20mm,25代表此款电池的厚度为2.5mm。标称电压为3.0V,端点电压(end point voltage...
end-point voltage 终止电压
It is held that the best detecting mode is the one detecting the voltage at the installation point of the active filter, and the best installation position is the end of the feeder.
The required capacity should be carefully calculated, as well as the voltage drop over the distance from the point where the system is fed to the end of the crane or trolley travelling length.
The detection and location of the start point and end point of the voltage sag and swell is a key problem for the power quality monitoring.