...篮无准星,突破不强硬,假使在防守中不遗余力,但注定在进攻上难有建树,不是博甘斯的防守有多好,不是邓的天赋有(Endowed with)多高,不专注你再有立博怎么申请代理也是汪然,缺乏准备,不把困难估计到最坏(Worst),轻视敌人或者说不重视敌人的心态,和公牛死...
... 体现 embody; manifest; reflect; feature 拥有 endowed with; blessed with 赋予 bestow ...
be endowed with 被赋予 ; 天生具有 ; 有…的特质 ; 有…天赋
Endowed with both 才貌双全
Be Endowed With Dazzling Beauty 天生国色
endowed with extraordinary talents 陆海潘江
well-endowed with 天生具有
were endowed with 天生具有
be endowed with sth 天生就具有
She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.
It is a gift creative people are endowed with.
Hobbes insists on the fundamental equality of human beings, who he says are endowed with certain natural and inalienable rights.
Either you believe, as our founding father said that we were endowed with them by our creator.
你可当做,像我们的国父说的那样,我们的个人权利 由造物主赋予
So, there's a wonderful thirteenth-century commentator that says that God needed creatures who could choose to obey him, And therefore it was important for Adam and Eve to do what they did And to learn that they had the choice not to obey God so that their choice for God would become endowed with meaning.