...国初中结业后进入本校,须修读18门高中学分课程,其中必修课15门,选修课3门,经由过程安粗略省英文统考(English Literacy Test),完成40小时社区处事,获得安粗略省高中结业文凭;
Computer literacy on general Office software. 3 Applicant has to pass a simple English written test.
Senator Lodge continued. "A literacy test will bear very lightly, if at all, upon English-speaking immigrants or Germans,Scandinavians and French.
VOA: special.2010.05.20
The races which would suffer most under a literacy test would be those with which the English-speaking people have never united, and who are most different from the great majority of the people of the United States."
VOA: special.2010.05.20