注:莎士比亚十四行诗(Shakespearean sonnet)又叫英国十四行诗(English sonnet),是一种抑扬格的五音步诗,由三个四行诗节和末尾一个总结性的两行诗节组成。押韵规则是:abab, cdcd, efef, gg.
father of the English sonnet 英国十四行诗之父
The change is reflected in their English sonnet composition, such as the adjustment of the rhythm, the reform of the text structure, and the alteration of the rhyme and metre.
Shakespeare did not invent the English sonnet form, but he is recognized as its greatest practitioner; therefore, the English sonnet is commonly called the Shakespearean sonnet.
Because each new stanza introduces a new set of rhyming sounds, the Shakespearean sonnet is well-suited to English, which is less richly endowed than Italian with rhyming words.
每个诗节都转换韵脚 这一改变很好的适应了英语的语言特点 因为英语在韵脚方面没有意大利语丰富.