二战时期,对联军的密码破译专家来说,这比恩尼格玛密码机(Enigma machine,又称「谜式密码机)还重要,因为一旦发现它,将加速二战终结的速度,并为现代电脑运算带来重大的突破。
七、奇谜机(Enigma Machine) 1918 年,德国发明家雪毕伍斯(Arthur Scherbius)研发出一部称为「奇谜的密码 机(Egnima Machine),他的发明变成有史以來最可怕...
以上来源于: WordNet
Those of you with backgrounds in history or we've seen -- or remember World War II with technologies that were used in it might know of the Enigma machine, which is kind of the same idea.
In addition to the complexity of the Enigma machine itself, its operating procedures became increasingly complex, as the German military wanted to make Enigma communications harder to code break.
It turned out to be Germany's famous Enigma coding machine.
- Those of you with backgrounds in history or we've seen -- or remember World War II with technologies that were used in it might know of the Enigma machine, which is kind of the same idea.
If you have some plain text, some message that you want to send, well, you can encrypt it or you can scramble it using a key, a secret key, which might be a physical machine like the Enigma 13 or it might be a number like 13.