[ 第三人称单数 enriches 现在分词 enriching 过去式 enriched 过去分词 enriched ]
... enquiry n.询问 enrich vt.使富足,使肥沃,装饰,加料于,浓缩 enroll v.[亦作enrol]登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员 ...
Work enrich people 祝朋友国庆佳节 ; 交际 ; 友谊 ; 工作
enrich oneself 充实自我 ; 发家致富
Enrich Your Life 让我照顾你 ; 丰富人生 ; 丰富自己的生活
enrich the teaching method 丰富教育手段
enrich knowledge 丰富知识
enrich my life 丰富我的生活 ; 陈西哦呵呵 ; 小某 ; 丰富生活
enrich h 使丰富 ; 使充实 ; 使富足 ; 充实
Improve the budget scrutiny and approval right, raise its constitutional status, and enrich its content.
参考来源 - 论公共财政视野下预算审批立法的完善Several seperated method, such as flow - sorting and magnetic sorting et al, had been used to enrich for NRBCs, However, enrichment procedures inevitably lead to cell loss.
参考来源 - 应用胎儿特异性抗体HbF(γ链)标记法无创性产前基因诊断DMDObjective To explore the method by centrifugalization to enrich bacteria from cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) of patients, improving rate of positive cultivation by condensing pathogenic bacteria. Methods Pathogenic bacteria from CSF were enriched by centrifugalization with high speed.
参考来源 - 离心浓集法提高脑脊液中致病菌培养阳性率的研究However, information about the mechanism to enrich rice Zn is little.
参考来源 - 水稻籽粒锌积累机制的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"The experience enriched her understanding"; "enriched foods"
"the oil boom enriched a lot of local people"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T To enrich something means to improve its quality, usually by adding something to it. 充实; 丰富
It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.
V-T To enrich someone means to increase the amount of money that they have. 使富裕
He will drain, rather than enrich, the country.
Literature can enrich your spiritual life.
While improving material well-being, we should also enrich our spiritual life.
He used his position to enrich himself.
The goal is to enrich the experience of the more than two million people who visit the Capitol every year.
VOA: special.2010.01.27
I think it's also the struggle of a generation trying to enrich the public square with positive conversation about religion.
So this is an experiment of using an online distance product to enrich what was from a content standpoint that our students recapped.